Tara Kenny and Sam Hains’ made a zine, Altered Zones. I have a new video (a 5-minute color meditation) in the first issue along with 15 other contributions. Support if you can at the link & read more below 🌸
Altered Zones is a digital zine exploring altered physical and psychic states and spaces, born from the altered zone of quarantine.
Issue 001 is a smorgasbord of weird and wonderful morsels, including guided crying exercises, Maine lobster roll flavored vapes, an initiation into the capitalist death cult, a claustrophobic quar confessional, a day at a Queensland thoroughbred auction, a use at your own risk DIY social distancing frisbee, and much, much more...
100% of proceeds from the zine will be split between the Drug Policy Alliance (drugpolicy.org) and Drug Policy Australia (drugpolicy.org.au), two organizations that aim to dismantle the war on drugs and promote drug policy grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights, in the US and Australia respectively. Donations will be made in memory of Harry Hains. If you would like to donate more than the recommended $5, thank you! If the cost is prohibitive, email me at wordsbytara@gmail.com and I'll send you the pdf.